The Military Diet – Miracle Diet or Fad? 

After writing an article about how to lose weight, I was intrigued about ways in which other people have lost large amounts of weight. During my research I came across the Military Diet. The diet had many positive reviews, and being a foodie, the diet was perfect for me being only three days, containing vanilla…

Bars to Visit in Manchester!

As a born and raised Mancunian, I have had my fair share of experiences in Manchester’s bars. Whether you’re looking to visit Manchester, or you are a fellow Mancunian who is new to experiencing the city’s bars, here are some of the bars I believe can provide enjoyable and unforgettable times. Drink or dine in…

One Word: Food

Have you got an issue with telling yourself at least five times a week “I’m going on a diet”, and the next day you see yourself sat in a takeaway eating a cheap, greasy burger with chips? Me too. Dieting. It’s hard. It’s not even that it’s actually hard; it’s just the temptation of unhealthy…