Regrettable Fasion Trends

Ever looked back at an old photo and thought ‘what on Earth was I thinking?’? I’ve done this a lot! Feather earrings, crimped hair with a bandana, and animal print clothing are only a few to list of the now embarrassing trends I followed growing up in the nineties. We’ve all done it and at…

My take on Plastic Surgery. 

If you want to get plastic surgery you should get it, it’s your body so don’t let anyone’s opinion sway your choice. “It’s false advertising”. Really!… Let’s look at this, what is the purpose of advertising, is it not to gain exposure with the aim to sell the product…? why then do you assume that…

Natural beauty

What is natural beauty?……”A person who needs nothing but the skin you are in to be beautiful to the eye”, however it seems that the true definition is subject to individual interpretation. The answer received depends on the age group or gender group asked. More often than not a man’s interpretation will begin and end…

To bleach or not to bleach??.

An intensely personal choice and once you have made your decision you may find that to talk about the issue is taboo. Why….? ‘She wants to bleach’ so what…we all have freedom of choice don’t we?. Yes, of course however every black child is taught “black is beauty” so at what point did you stop…